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创建时间:2012年05月18日 11:51  阅读次数:(5560)

InsertInputFileUpload 用文件上载控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInput FileUpload
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the file upload control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputHidden 插入隐藏控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputHidden
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the hidden control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputImage 用图像控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputImage
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the image control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputPassword 用密码控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputPassword
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the password control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputRadio 用单选钮控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputRadio
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the radio control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputReset 用重置控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputReset
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the reset control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputSubmit 用提交控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputSubmit
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the submit control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertInputText 用文本控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertInputText
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the text control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertMarquee 用空字幕覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertMarquee
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the marquee. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertOrderedList 切换当前选中区是编号列表还是常规格式化块。

Command InsertOrderedList
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the ordered list. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertParagraph 用换行覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertParagraph
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the paragraph. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertSelectDropdown 用下拉框控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertSelectDropdown
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the drop-down selection control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertSelectListbox 用列表框控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertSelectListbox
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the list box selection control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertTextArea 用多行文本输入控件覆盖当前选中区。

Command InsertTextArea
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the text input control. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

InsertUnorderedList 切换当前选中区是项目符号列表还是常规格式化块。

Command InsertUnorderedList
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies an id Attribute for the unordered list. May be set to null or omitted.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Italic 切换当前选中区斜体显示与否。

Command Italic
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

JustifyCenter 将当前选中区在所在格式化块置中。

Command JustifyCenter
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

JustifyFull 目前尚未支持。 IE5.5后支持。
JustifyLeft 将当前选中区所在格式化块左对齐。

Command JustifyLeft
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

JustifyNone 目前尚未支持。
JustifyRight 将当前选中区所在格式化块右对齐。

Command JustifyRight
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

LiveResize 迫使 MSHTML 编辑器在缩放或移动过程中持续更新元素外观,而不是只在移动或缩放完成后更新。

Command LiveResize
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false.
execCommand vValue Required. Boolean specifying whether this feature is to be on or off.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

MultipleSelection 允许当用户按住 Shift 或 Ctrl 键时一次选中多于一个站点可选元素。

Command MultipleSelection
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false.
execCommand vValue Required. Boolean specifying whether this feature is to be on or off.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Open 打开。不支持。
Outdent 减少选中区所在格式化块的缩进。

Command Outdent
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

OverWrite 切换文本状态的插入和覆盖。

Command OverWrite
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Boolean that specifies the text-entry mode. If this value is set to true or null, the text-entry mode is overwrite. If this value is set to false (the default), the text-entry mode is insert.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Paste 用剪贴板内容覆盖当前选中区。

Command Paste
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

PlayImage 目前尚未支持。
Print 打开打印对话框以便用户可以打印当前页。

Command Print
User interface Yes. Set bUserinterface to true or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Redo 重做。 不支持。
Refresh 刷新当前文档。

Command Refresh
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

RemoveFormat 从当前选中区中删除格式化标签。

Command RemoveFormat
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

RemoveParaFormat 目前尚未支持。
SaveAs 将当前 Web 页面保存为文件。

Command SaveAs
User interface Optional. This parameter is ignored. The Save HTML Document dialog box is always displayed.
execCommand vValue Optional. String that specifies the path and file name of the file to which to save the Web page. When the path contains more than one folder name, separate the folder names with two backward slashes (\\).
Applies to queryCommandValue.

<script type="text/javascript">
function doSaveAs()
if (document.execCommand) {
document.execCommand("SaveAs", false, "Test.html");
else {
alert('This command is available in Internet Explorer only.');

<button onclick="doSaveAs()">Save this document</button>
SelectAll 选中整个文档。

Command SelectAll
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

SizeToControl 目前尚未支持。
SizeToControlHeight 目前尚未支持。
SizeToControlWidth 目前尚未支持。
Stop 停止。 不支持。
StopImage 目前尚未支持。
StrikeThrough 目前尚未支持。
Subscript 目前尚未支持。
Superscript 目前尚未支持。
UnBookmark 从当前选中区中删除全部书签。

Command UnBookmark
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Underline 切换当前选中区的下划线显示与否。

Command Underline
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Undo 撤消。

Command Undo
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Unlink 从当前选中区中删除全部超级链接。

Command Unlink
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.

Unselect 清除当前选中区的选中状态。

Command Unselect
User interface None. Set bUserinterface to false or omit.
execCommand vValue Optional. Set to null or omit.
Applies to queryCommandValue.
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